I have a few favorite movies that I like to watch when I life gets a little hairy, or when I start to feel a few too many layered shades of blue.
Sister Act,
Some Like it Hot,
Chicago and other movie musicals work well for those dull, "nothing is going quite right", periwinkle days, and
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is the perfect cure for a stormy, "I had a fight with my siblings", lake blue. On really navy days, I binge watch all of the
Harry Potter movies or the entire
Lord of the Rings Trilogy while the apartment stays cluttered and dirty and my family
starves (um... no, can't admit that)
makes their own dinner (HA!) orders pizza. No, not really. Only sometimes. The Love Of My Life usually throws some meat on the grill and then he, my daughter, Miss Peach and I eat very well, despite my navy colored mood.
Last night was kind of a cornflower blue, so, by the power of Netflix, I watched the Disney/ABC made for TV movie adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's,
A Wrinkle in Time. I loved the books when I was younger, so I had saved it in my instant queue thinking it would be a good choice for Miss Peach. My
hope (that's not quite it)
pipe dream (well, that's half right, at least) was that it would spark her interest and she might want to read the book. Then, having read and loved the first book, just as I had, she would continue on and voraciously read one after another in the
Time series, which would lead us to beautiful, wonderful, magically meaningful mother-daughter conversations about life, love, and math, ultimately raising the status of our relationship to a level of respect and devotion envied by women everywhere, all while drinking tea and eating cupcakes and never getting fat. (Don't judge me- a gal can have her harmless little fantasies, can't she?) Anyway, since it lacked an explosion, gun fight or high-speed car chase during the first 30 seconds, she ended up going to bed while I watched it. I can't say that I really blame her. It was... a little disappointing. Now to be fair, it really wasn't too bad for an ABC/Disney-fied made for TV style movie. Truth be told, it was one of the better made for TV movies I've seen. (Of course, that may be due to the fact that I generally avoid those type of thing like the plague- kinda like that special place on cable known as Lifetime Television) To their credit,
A Wrinkle in Time is a complicated story with pretty sophisticated themes. It's certainly not an easy tale to adapt to film of any kind, and I really should have known that it would feel more like fluff than the book. But I digress. The point here is that as semi-satisfying as the film in it's entirety was, as soon as Alfre Woodard came onto the screen as Mrs. Whatsit the cornflower blue haze lifted to reveal a perfectly dazzling not-too-hot sunny day with a scattering of puffy white clouds and a gentle breeze. I had been inspired!
Alfre Woodard in the Disney made for TV adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Note the purple shawl. |
When she first appears in the movie, Mrs. Whatsit is bundled head to toe in knit scarves, shawls and wraps, looking rather like a crazy shopping cart lady in January. As the movie continues and she moves into more hospitable climes, she ditches most of her extraneous knitwear, keeping only a beautiful purple shawl with deep knotted fringe and periodic rows of cabled bobbles.
See the purple shawl? |
In the book, Mrs. Whatsit is described thusly:
"The age or sex was impossible to tell, for it was completely bundled
up in clothes. Several scarves of assorted colors were tied about the
head, and a man's felt hat perched atop. A shocking pink stole was
knotted about a rough overcoat, and black rubber boots covered the feet."
There it is again! |
Notice the important words here: scarves, assorted colors, shocking pink stole. Can you guess where I going with this? Of course you can!
I've decided to design a Mrs. Whatsit garment. Now, I'm certainly not the first to tackle a Mrs. Whatsit scarf or shawl, as a quick look around the Internet will prove. But I'm super excited to start in. I've already got the image in my head. Tomorrow I'll sketch it all out. Then comes the fiddly bits of choosing yarns, colors and general construction techniques. I'll keep you all updated on my progress!
She even wears it in her centaur form! |
See you next time!
Love, Stephie
Plans for the kitchen: blueberry jam
Plans for the needles: Mrs. Whatsit garment
On the nightstand:
The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht
On the boob tube:
Arrested Development via the (intermittent) power of Netflix